What are Healthy Substitutes for Coffee?
Coffee is wonderful first thing in the morning, but what if you're trying to cut back? Whether for general health reasons, increasing your intake of other nutritious beverages, or just to try something new, there are plenty of other drinks out there to try instead of coffee! These are a few of our favorites.
Healthy Substitutes for Coffee
Yerba Mate
Yerba mate is a type of tea that provides a similar boost to coffee, but a more sustained energy throughout the day (no crash). It is also full of minerals and nutrients as an added bonus.
Made with tea, sugar, and a culture of bacteria and yeast, kombucha contains a variety of nutrients and enzymes as well as a dose of good probiotics. Just check the nutrition label as some brands can contain a lot of added sugars.
Apple Cider with Cinnamon
Sweet, tart, and satisfying - apple cider is a wonderful caffeine-free alternative to coffee. Sprinkle in a little fresh cinnamon to increase blood circulation, support the immune system, and for an extra kick of flavor.
Black Tea
Black tea is a delicious substitute as it has a similarly full mouthfeel to coffee but less caffeine. If you normally prefer a latte in the morning, try ordering black tea with steamed milk.
Stronger than tea in both caffeine and antioxidants, matcha is made of ground green tea leaves for maximum potency. Fantastic when made with just hot water and True Lemon, or with steamed milk as a mellow-tasting Matcha Latte.
A blend of tea, herbs, and spices, chai is traditionally served blended with steamed milk or a milk alternative. This elixir is excellent for waking up your palate while aiding in digestion, supporting immune health, and fighting inflammation. Again, be wary of concentrates that are full of added sugars.
Turmeric Tea or Latte
Turmeric has a wide array of health benefits which makes it an excellent addition to any morning routine. We have even created a fantastic turmeric tea recipe for you to try.
Hot Water with True Lemon
A wonderfully simple drink for the beginning of your day, a hot cup of water with True Lemon will boost your immune system and detoxify your body. It is also a natural way to alkalize your system while perking you up first thing.
Although there is nothing wrong with having a good old fashioned cup of Joe (in moderation of course), variety is the spice of life! Try some of these healthy alternatives to coffee and you may be surprised to find that you enjoy the change.
Boitnott, John. "Addicted to Coffee? Heres 7 Healthy Alternatives". Inc.com. 14 October 2014.
Thaler, Casey. "11 Healthy Alternatives to Coffee". Paleohacks.