Woman enjoying a True Citrus drink mix


You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers.

Let’s explore all the juicy details, delicious answers, and expert insights about our refreshing lineup of products.

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If you want to email us, send your message to CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com. Or use our Customer Care form. (We will get back to you within 24 hours Monday – Thursday and by the next business day from Friday – Sunday.)

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We have a strict privacy policy: we never sell or give away our customers’ information. To read our complete privacy policy, click here.

Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari should be compatible with the current versions. If you are experiencing any issues, you should verify you are not using an older version of the internet browser. Support for Internet Explorer 11 has been discontinued by Microsoft. We do not recommend using that browser to make online purchases.

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If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

To navigate this website, simply hover over the Shop dropdown and click on a product category. Product categories are organized by product type. You may also type a keyword into the “Search” box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form.

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True Citrus is a privately-owned company that makes all True Citrus products, including our flagship line of Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (including True Lemon and True Lime), our stevia sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades and Limeades, Kids drink mixes, Iced Teas and Energy drink mixes, and our citrus based, salt-free Shakers and Spice blends. We are still a relatively small, growing company, comprised of over 50 enthusiastic, dedicated team members who love what we do and are passionate about our products, our team, and our customers. We are citrus lovers who have created a unique product family based on proprietary processes. The processes allow us to provide fresh-squeezed citrus taste in a new shelf-stable form, enabling citrus to be enjoyed both in familiar and new usages. Learn more about us.

David Schleider, our founder and president, came up with the idea for True Lemon in 2001 while having lunch with his father. A long-time lemon lover, a chef by schooling, and an inventor by passion, David waited for another bowl of lemons to be brought to their table when he had his “aha” moment. He wondered why fresh lemon taste couldn’t be more convenient, as easy as opening up a packet of sugar. David spent the next three years working on True Lemon to ensure the taste was just right before starting our Company in June 2003.

Of course! We are happy to provide samples of our products (along with product information, where to buy info, and coupons) to individuals and for health clubs, healthcare professionals, health support groups, healthcare facilities, events, runs and races. For further information about sampling True Citrus products, you are also welcome to send us an email at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our online Customer Care form.

Unfortunately, as a small company, we can’t yet support sending samples outside the country.

Whether you are a foodservice or dietary manager looking for alternatives to lemon juice packets or fresh lemon wedges, or a chef interested in a high-quality and cost-effective alternative to perishable lemons and limes, True Lemon and True Lime are wonderful additions to your foodservice operations. True Lemon and True Lime are available in 100 and 500 count packet boxes for beverage stations, patient trays, buffets and table tops. True Lemon and True Lime are also available in foodservice shakers and juice pouches for back-of-the-house and in bulk for ingredients. To find out more information about bringing True Lemon or True Lime into your foodservice operation, go to our Foodservice page or email us at Foodservice@TrueCitrus.com.

A serving of True Lemon shaker = ¼ teaspoon, so the packet to shaker equivalent is typically 1 to 1. So, for example, if a recipe on our website calls for two packets of True Lemon you would use ½ teaspoon from the shaker. For more measuring equivalent conversions, click here.

There are a variety of delicious and refreshing True Citrus products, at least one of which you are sure to love (if not many more)!

All of our products are made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients, including real citrus juices and oils, no artificial sweeteners, and sodium and gluten-free.

We offer a variety of unsweetened citrus products:

  • Crystallized Wedges in convenient sachets
  • Easy-to-use Shakers
  • Salt-free Citrus Spice Blends

We also offer stevia-sweetened:

  • 10-calorie Lemonades, Limeades and one lone Orangeade
  • 10-calorie Iced Teas made from real black tea
  • 10-calorie Kids drink mixes with low sugar and 25% Vitamins A, C & E
  • 0 calorie Energy drinks, powered by caffeine from green tea (except Tropical Punch which has 10 calories and 1g sugar)

To learn more about our products, click here.

To learn more about our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase) click here.

True Citrus products don’t have an expiration date but use a “best-used-by” date. After this date, our products are still safe to use but start to lose some of their flavor potency. The best-used-by date is stamped on the bottom and is two years from the time the product was produced. (After June 2025, the best-used date is two years from when the product was produced, June 2027.)

Crystallized Citrus Wedge Sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime): The best-used-by date is located on the very bottom of the box below the barcode. The date is an imprint that is the same color as the packaging and may be a little hard to see. For example, a best-used-by date of 040526 1111 has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number. Our bulk boxes of citrus sachets will have a date printed or stamped on the package. The best-used-by date may be listed as “BB040526” or “0405261111.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energys: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the package. It could read “Best By: APR0526” or “Best By: 04/05/2026.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Shakers and Spice Blends: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the shaker. For example, a best-used-by date reading “0405261111” has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number.

All True Citrus products have at least a two-year shelf life from the date of manufacture, if unopened. Once you open a packet, the shelf life is only a couple of days. The shelf life for True Lemon and True Lime Shakers or our Spice Blends is also two years unopened. Once opened, the shelf life is about six months.

Once one of our products is beyond a “best used” date, the product is still safe to use. However, the flavor will start to slowly degrade after that date.

Our flagship product, True Lemon, crystallized wedge replacement sachets, is not lemonade, so it’s not going to be a strong, sweet taste like lemonade. Instead, True Lemon has a refreshing, light taste, just like if you squeezed a lemon wedge into your water. (Each sachet equals the taste of one wedge.) The same is true of True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. If you like a stronger, sweeter taste, then can we suggest trying one of our Drink Mixes. To see our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened choices - including Lemonades, Limeades, Kids and Iced Teas - click here.

Let’s be clear. We love lemons. But also, let’s be honest: fresh lemons from the produce aisle can be a bit of a pain for many of us. (But not all. We know there are devoted lemon lovers who would never use anything but fresh – we’re speaking to you, Martha Stewart!)

For the vast majority of us who love lemons but forget to buy them, buy them and then forget to use them, use them but don’t use all of the lemons so the rest goes bad, or who love fresh lemons so much we’d like to take fresh lemon taste with us but it’s a pain in the neck, True Lemon is for you!

True Lemon crystallized lemon provides a consistent, authentic, fresh-squeezed lemon taste, any time, anywhere, and can be used in so many ways it’s hard to count.

Fresh lemons, on the other hand, don’t provide consistent taste (because their taste depends on when they were picked), are seasonally expensive, go bad, can only be used as a wet ingredient, and aren’t great travel companions. (Try putting a lemon in your pocket or purse.) And don’t even get us started on bottled or packet lemon juice.

For all the ways to use True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit throughout your day check our Recipe section or our Live True Every Day page.

So many things! True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit can be used any place lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice are used. Our products are great for water, beverages, cooking, baking and seasoning.

Click here to view our library of delicious recipes.

Click here to find a ton of great usage suggestions for using True Citrus products.

True Lemon is a great alternative to fresh lemon juice or bottled lemon juice and can be used for cooking, baking, and seasoning. (True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit can also be used for cooking, baking and seasoning.)

In the vast majority of recipes, where you want just the lemon taste, you can add True Lemon directly into the other ingredients. (Generally, we recommend 2 to 3 sachets = 1 tablespoon lemon juice.) However, in some recipes, it may be necessary or desirable to add an equivalent amount of water to replace the moisture the lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice provides. In these cases, add both the appropriate number of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, or True Grapefruit packets and the necessary amount of water. (Example: if a moist cake recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, use 4 packets of True Lemon and 2 tablespoons of water.) For a stronger citrus taste, add more packets.

For measuring equivalents and conversions, please click here.

One (1) sachet of True Lemon equals the taste of 1 lemon wedge, and 2 packets of True Lemon is the equivalent of the taste of 1 tablespoon lemon juice. This is the same equivalency for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit.

A medium lemon has approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of juice which equates to 4 to 6 True Lemon packets.

A medium or average lime has approximately 2 tablespoons of juice which equals 4 packets of True Lime.

For more measuring equivalents, click here.

A serving of True Lemon shaker = ¼ teaspoon, so the packet-to-shaker equivalent is typically 1 to 1. So, for example, if a recipe on our website calls for two packets of True Lemon you would use ½ teaspoon from the shaker. For more measuring equivalent conversions, click here.

If you use the zest of a lemon, lime or orange for decorative purposes, then you’ll need to use a fresh lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit. However, if you are using zest as an ingredient, you can use True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit. The equivalent is 2 sachets for 1 tablespoon of zest. (If you want a stronger citrus taste, you can add an additional sachet.)

You only need to add water if the recipe you’re making needs the moisture from the juice as well as the lemon (or lime, orange, grapefruit) taste. Most recipes really only want the lemon flavor and don’t need the moisture. For a recipe that needs moisture from the juice, you would add the equivalent of water and the True Lemon/True Lime/True Orange/True Grapefruit packets. (For example, if the recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of lemon juice you would add two packets of True Lemon and one tablespoon of water.) For True Lemon recipes, click here.

True Orange is not meant to replace eating a fresh orange or replace orange juice that you drink. True Orange allows you to enjoy the sessence of fresh-squeezed orange flavor in delightful new ways. Add True Orange to your water or iced/hot tea. Sprinkle on fruit, fish or chicken. Replace orange juice of zest in recipes. For True Orange recipes and more, click here.

True Orange is not meant to replace eating a fresh orange or replace orange juice that you drink. True Orange allows you to enjoy the sessence of fresh-squeezed orange flavor in delightful new ways. Add True Orange to your water or iced/hot tea. Sprinkle on fruit, fish or chicken. Replace orange juice of zest in recipes. For True Orange recipes and more, click here.

Yes, many people use True Lemon when canning or preserving.

Yes, we’ve heard from customers who use True Lemon as part of their jelly-making process.

Many of our customers keep their True Citrus products out on the counter, in their cabinets, or in their purse so they're always within easy reach. True Citrus products should not be exposed to high temperatures for extended periods. Unopened, True Citrus products have a two-year shelf life.

A packet of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, or True Grapefruit has 0 calories. A stick packet of our beverage mixes (True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, True Orange Orangeades, True Lemon Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas) contains 10 calories per serving. True Lemon Energy contains 0 calories per serving (except Tropical Punch Energy, which contains 10 calories per stick packet.)

Our True Lemon Shaker, True Lime Shaker, True Lemon Pepper Spice Blend, True Lime Garlic & Cilantro Spice Blend, and True Orange Ginger Spice Blend contain 0 calories per serving.

A single serving (one packet) of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates per packet.

A stick packet of one of our sweetened, 10 calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeade and Iced Teas contain 1g sugar and 3 grams of carbohydrates per stick packet. Our True Lemon Kids contain 2g sugar and 3g carbs.

A stick packet of one of our Energy products contain 0g sugar and less than 1g of carbohydrates (except True Lemon Tropical Punch Energy which has 10 calories, 1g sugar and 3g carbs).

Water is good for you because it does great things for your body. For more information about why water is so good for you, click here. Water is also a great alternative to sweetened, caloric beverages like soda, fruit juice, sweetened iced teas, and even drinks you may not suspect, like some bottled waters, which are high in calories and sugar. (Here’s a fun fact: Just switching out one can of soda or other 120-calorie drink per day for one glass of water can lead to an almost 15-pound weight loss in a year without doing anything else.) And all you diet beverage drinkers, don’t think you’re off the hook. Some studies have found that consumption of diet sodas has been linked to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

But lots of people either don’t like the taste of plain water, get bored of it or want to add a beverage mix to their water but don’t want their water to turn into a chemical soup.

And that’s where True Citrus comes in. We’ve got you covered because we’re the only company that gives you a choice about how you want to flavor your water.

For those who like just a refreshing, light citrus taste we have 4 delightful choices for you. If you want to add just fresh citrus taste to your water without changing your water into a beverage, then try True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit.

Each sachet delivers an authentic, fresh-squeezed taste and:

  • Equals the taste of a wedge of lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit
  • Has a simple ingredient line
  • Has 0 calories and 0g sugars
  • Has NO artificial sweeteners, sodium or gluten
  • Is Non-GMO

For those who like a sweeter taste, then we have many delicious options for you. True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, True Lemon Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas are only 10 calories per stick packet but deliver real flavor from real fruit in every sip. Our True Lemon Energy Drink Mixes have 0 calories and 120 mg of caffeine from green tea.

Each serving of any of our drink mixes:

  • Is made with lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juices and oils
  • Has a simple ingredient line
  • Has 0 to 10 calories and 0g to 1g sugars
  • Contain NO artificial sweeteners or gluten
  • Have colors from sources like fruit juice, vegetable juice and spices
  • Is Non-GMO

So go ahead and make the switch to water flavored by True Citrus today. We’re so sure you’re going to love any True Citrus product you purchase, we have a 100% Happiness Guarantee.

All True Citrus products are gluten-free and, in fact, many support groups for those with Celiac disease use True Citrus products regularly.

Yes! All True Citrus products are vegan.

How seriously Paleo or Keto are you?

All of our True Citrus products are very low carb and, thus, are perfect fits for a Paleo or Keto diet, especially our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets, citrus Shakers and Spice Blends (which are 0g sugar and less than 1 carb). Our low-calorie, low-sugar, stevia-sweetened Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades, and Iced Teas are great for people following a Keto or Paleo-friendly diet. Our Energy drinks have 0-10 calories, 0g sugars and less than 1g carb.

However, we encourage everyone to read our nutrition panels and make a judgment for themselves. (Nutritional information is on every product page.)

Yes, all of our True Citrus products are a great addition to a diabetes management eating plan. (However, we always recommend speaking to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about using any food or beverage.)

Many people with diabetes are looking to replace sweetened, caloric beverages and even artificially sweetened beverages since artificial sweeteners have been linked to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

True Citrus offers two delicious ways to replace sweetened or artificially sweetened drinks and, at the same time, drink more water. For those who like just the light, refreshing taste of citrus, we have our convenient citrus sachets. Each sachet equals the taste of a fruit wedge and has 0 calories, 0g sugars and <1g carb and has no artificial sweeteners, sodium or gluten. Available in True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit, they are great to add to water or teas but also serve as a wonderful alternative to salt-to-season foods.

We also make delicious, sweetened low-calorie, low-sugar Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades,Kids and Iced teas. Available in on-the-go stick packets, True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, Orangeades, Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas are made with stevia and a touch of sugar. Each stick packet has 10 calories, 1g to 2g sugar and 3g carbs.

And for those looking for some caffeine, our Energy drinks are made with stevia. Each stick packet has 0 calories, 0g sugar, less than 1 gram of carbs, and contains 120mg of caffeine from green tea. (Tropical Punch Energy has 10 calories and 1g sugar.)

Finally, since many people with diabetes are also concerned with hypertension, True Citrus offers wonderful, salt-free citrus spice blends as well as True Lemon and True Lime in shakers. All are delicious, flavorful ways to season food without adding sodium.

To find out where to buy them near you, click here.

Absolutely! True Citrus products are a great addition to a low-sodium diet because they can flavor your food without adding any sodium. Also, adding them to water is a great alternative to soda and artificially sweetened soda and drinks, which often contain sodium in them.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about using any food or beverage, you should always consult your physician.

Absolutely! We have a ton of delicious options for you to try! True Citrus products are a great way to drink more water (instead of drinking artificially sweetened soda or beverages with high sugar content). They are also a great way to flavor your food without adding any sodium.

As always, if you have specific questions or concerns about any food or beverage you are eating/drinking during your pregnancy, we recommend that you speak to your healthcare provider.

First, we always recommend you speak to your healthcare provider when considering health solutions for specific conditions.

We have heard from many people who have kidney stones and successfully incorporated True Lemon into their treatment program. Again, we always recommend discussing treatment options with your healthcare provider.

True Citrus products have 0 phosphorus and 0.01 milligrams of potassium (basically 0 grams).

No, True Lemon is not considered an antioxidant. True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit are also not considered antioxidants.

True Grapefruit contains grapefruit oils and juices but we don’t make any specific claims about its impact on your metabolism.

Drinking water with any True Citrus product instead of soda or other sweetened beverages can help you lose weight when incorporated with other healthy habits like eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting sufficient sleep. (Here’s a fun fact: Just switching out one can of soda or other 120-calorie drink per day for one glass of water can help lead to weight loss in the course of a year without doing anything else.)

There are zero electrolytes per serving.

Lemons are very popular in detox programs and we know that many people use True Lemon in place of fresh lemons or lemon juice. However, we make no claims about the overall efficacy of lemon water as a detox drink nor using True Lemon as part of a detox drink.

Yes, because the amount of sugar they contain is so small. This is true for all of our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened beverages as well as our zero-calorie unsweetened citrus wedge replacements.

Since everyone is different, we always recommend that you talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding your medication.

True Lemon contains zero potassium citrate.

We would recommend that if you or a family member has a strong allergy to corn then our products shouldn’t be used. However, we always recommend speaking to your healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns.

Our product would do the same to your teeth as drinking lemon water would and it’s a very individualized answer. We have True Citrus team members who have been using 6+ packets a day for years and have had no issues but you should base your usage on your own dental health. For questions specific to your dental health, we always recommend speaking to your dental healthcare provider.

True Citrus does NOT use erythritol in ANY products. To view the ingredients of all of our products, please visit each of our product’s corresponding product pages.

Yes! All True Citrus products are vegan.

How seriously Paleo or Keto are you?

All of our True Citrus products are very low carb and, thus, are perfect fits for a Paleo or Keto diet, especially our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets, citrus Shakers and Spice Blends (which are 0g sugar and less than 1 carb). Our low-calorie, low-sugar, stevia-sweetened Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades, and Iced Teas are great for people following a Keto or Paleo-friendly diet. Our Energy drinks have 0-10 calories, 0g sugars and less than 1g carb.

However, we encourage everyone to read our nutrition panels and make a judgment for themselves. (Nutritional information is on every product page.)

No, True Lemon is not considered an antioxidant. True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit are also not considered antioxidants.

Yes. All of the ingredients we use are Non-GMO.

All True Citrus products are gluten free and, in fact, many support groups for those with Celiac disease use True Citrus products regularly.

True Citrus products are made with simple, Non-GMO ingredients but are not organic.

All True Citrus products are made with simple, Non-GMO ingredients. Our products:

  • Are made with lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juices and oils.
  • Have no artificial sweeteners. (Our low-calorie sweetened drink mixes are sweetened with stevia and a touch of sugar or just stevia alone.)
  • Contain ingredients from fruits, herbs or vegetables depending upon the products.
  • Have color sources from spices (e.g., turmeric), vegetables (e.g., beet juice) or fruit juices (e.g., grape or elderberry juice).
  • Are sodium-free and gluten-free. (The exception is True Lemon Original Lemonade, which has a very small amount of sodium - 20mg per serving.)

To read about our Live True commitment, which is the foundation of all of our products, click here.

To read about the ingredients we use, check out our Ingredients Finder here.

For our Non-GMO natural flavors, we use not only the main fruit flavor (for example, raspberry or black cherry) but also a proprietary blend of other natural flavors from fruits, herbs and/or vegetables, which is why we don't solely list “Raspberry” or “Black Cherry." Since we use other natural flavors to enhance the main flavor, the FDA requires us to say “Natural flavors” in the ingredient line and "with other natural flavors" on the packaging.

We use Non-GMO colors that come from only natural sources, including fruits (e.g., grapes), vegetables (e.g., beets) and spice (e.g., turmeric).

The ingredients in True Lemon Crystallized Citrus Wedge Replacements are the same as found in a lemon:

Citric Acid, Lemon Juice and Lemon Oil. Like all True Citrus products, True Lemon is made from simple ingredients, has no artificial sweeteners, is Non-GMO and is sodium and gluten-free. To learn more about True Lemon, click here.

Yes, all of our products contain Non-GMO citric acid.

True Lemon is made with real lemon juices and oils. True Lemon provides the fresh taste experience of fresh lemon juice when used in water, drinks, beverages and recipes. This is also true for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. However, we make no specific health claims regarding True Lemon being the same as a fresh lemon.

Absolutely (and that’s great)! Because of our gentle encapsulation, we are able to maintain the delicate flavonoids (including limonene) that are found in citrus oils. Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects. These molecules are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Limonene is found in citrus peels/rinds and is the thing that makes oranges and lemons smell orangey and lemony.

Stevia is a plant that has been used for centuries around the world as an herb and a zero-calorie sweetener. Currently, there are many stevia sweeteners on the market, including Truvia®, PureVia®, Stevia in the Raw®, and Pure Circle®, to name just a few.

Stevia is extracted from the sweetest part of the stevia plant (called rebiana). Once stevia is purified, it’s 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia can have a bitter aftertaste, so many products that use stevia as a sweetener also add a small amount of sugar to round out the flavor (as True Citrus does).

Some stevia products are made from a process that uses chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, which is why some people may consider those to be artificial. However, we use only Non-GMO stevia, which is guaranteed to be at least 95% pure, some of the highest in the industry. In addition, we source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, and use only water-based extraction methods, which are safer for both our customers and our environment.

Stevia, which is commonly grown in South America and Asia, can also be grown in your garden.

The sweetness in our drink mixes comes from stevia. The small amount of sugar we use is to help round out the notes of the stevia as well as act as a bulking agent.

Because stevia is 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar, only a very small amount of stevia is required to deliver a sweet taste in our drink mixes. We also use a small amount of sugar, which is used to help round out the taste of stevia as well as acting as a bulking agent. Since the small amount of sugar used weighs more than the stevia, it is listed before stevia in the ingredients line.

We use only Non GMO stevia that is guaranteed a minimum of 95% pure, which is some of the highest in the industry. We source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia—only water-based extraction methods are used, which are safer for both the customer and our environment. (We’re committed to not only the health and well-being of our customers; we’re also in tune with our delicate ecosystem!)

Our primary sources for our premium, non GMO stevia is grown and processed in China. The processing facilities used are state-of-the-art and under strict food manufacturing guidelines and stringent quality standards.

A stick packet of our True Lemon Energys deliver 120mg of caffeine, equal to a strong cup of coffee. Unlike many energy drinks that are currently on the market, the caffeine we use is from green tea, so it delivers a more sustained lift and generally doesn't lead to jitters or a caffeine crash. Each serving of our Energy drink mixes:

  • Is made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients
  • Is sweetened with stevia
  • Has 0-10 calories and a 1 gram carbs or less
  • Has NO artificial sweeteners
  • Has colors from sources such as vegetable and fruit juice
  • Has no gluten

True Orange uses a tiny amount of sugar (<0.5g/packet or 1/8 teaspoon) as a bulking agent and not to sweeten the product. This small amount of sugar is considered to be negligible by the FDA and does not have any effect on blood sugar levels when used in 16 ounces of water/beverages.

Citric acid is found in all citrus fruits. However, there is not enough citrus to produce the amount of citric acid that food manufacturers like us use, and not all citric acid is produced in the same way. Our citric acid is derived from a fermentation process using the cassava or cane sugar plant. The plant is harvested and fermented using Non-GMO enzymes and is purified.

No, True Citrus products do not contain any monosodium glutamate (MSG) or glutamic acid.

No, True Citrus products do not contain soy.

A serving of any True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit (unsweetened or sweetened) products contain less than 0.01 milligrams of potassium, which is a very small amount.

Our True Citrus products (both our unsweetened Crystallized Wedge sachets and our low-calorie sweetened drink mixes) contain 0 phosphorus and 0.01 milligrams of potassium (basically 0 grams).

The purpose of maltodextrin in our products is to help our flavor components disperse better when cooking, baking or seasoning. Without it, you would get big hits of lemon oil with pockets of acid instead of a homogenous product throughout. The maltodextrin we use is Non-GMO and is solely derived from corn and is not used as a sweetener. Because of its low use amount, the maltodextrin does not significantly contribute to raising blood sugar.

Only our shakers and spice blends have Non-GMO maltodextrin in them, which is derived from corn.

No, we do not use cochineal as a color.

We don’t use MSG in any of our products. It is not something we add nor is it in the ingredients we source.

No, they don’t contain either. All of our products are gluten-free.

Yes, some True Citrus products do contain caffeine.

Our Iced Teas contain 40mg of caffeine per stick packet, and our Energy Drink Mixes contain 120mg of green tea caffeine per stick packet (equal to a strong cup of coffee). To shop our Energy healthy drink mix line, click here.

No, True Citrus products do not contain lactose.

No, our products are not made with organic fruit.

While all of our production facilities are here in the United States, as a global food manufacturing company, we utilize a number of sources from outside the United States to provide us with some of our raw materials. This is due to several reasons. Some ingredients, like stevia, aren’t grown and processed in the United States due to climate conditions, seasonality or other influences. However, regardless of the origin of our raw materials, they are all made to our exacting specifications, meet the highest standards, are Non-GMO and are of the best quality.

The Non-GMO sugar we use is refined to remove any impurities.

Yes, they are Parve and the supervising agency is the Orthodox Union.

True Lemon is made from a proprietary recipe that crystallizes the lemon’s oils and juices, locking in fresh-squeezed lemon taste. (It’s the fact that True Lemon contains both lemon oil and juice that makes it special. Most lemon replacements contain just lemon juice.)

Because True Lemon always delivers a consistent, authentic, fresh-squeezed lemon taste, we believe it’s an excellent alternative to fresh, frozen or bottled. (And, with no undue modesty, we think it’s better than at least 2 of those!)

This is also true for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit.

Stevia is a plant that has been used for centuries around the world as an herb and a zero-calorie sweetener. Currently, there are many stevia sweeteners on the market, including Truvia®, PureVia®, Stevia in the Raw®, and Pure Circle®, to name just a few.

Stevia is extracted from the sweetest part of the stevia plant (called rebiana). Once stevia is purified, it’s 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia can have a bitter aftertaste, so many products that use stevia as a sweetener also add a small amount of sugar to round out the flavor (as True Citrus does).

Some stevia products are made from a process that uses chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, which is why some people may consider those to be artificial. However, we use only Non-GMO stevia, which is guaranteed to be at least 95% pure, some of the highest in the industry. In addition, we source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, and use only water-based extraction methods, which are safer for both our customers and our environment.

Stevia, which is commonly grown in South America and Asia, can also be grown in your garden.

We use only Non GMO stevia that is guaranteed a minimum of 95% pure, which is some of the highest in the industry. We source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia—only water-based extraction methods are used, which are safer for both the customer and our environment. (We’re committed to not only the health and well-being of our customers; we’re also in tune with our delicate ecosystem!)

No chemicals are used in the processing of the Non-GMO stevia we use. It is solely through an aqueous (water-based) production.

Our primary sources for our premium, non GMO stevia is grown and processed in China. The processing facilities used are state-of-the-art and under strict food manufacturing guidelines and stringent quality standards.

While all of our production facilities are here in the United States, as a global food manufacturing company, we utilize a number of sources from outside the United States to provide us with some of our raw materials. This is due to several reasons. Some ingredients, like stevia, aren’t grown and processed in the United States due to climate conditions, seasonality or other influences. However, regardless of the origin of our raw materials, they are all made to our exacting specifications, meet the highest standards, are Non-GMO and are of the best quality.

The Non-GMO sugar we use is refined to remove any impurities.

There are a variety of delicious and refreshing True Citrus products, at least one of which you are sure to love (if not many more)!

All of our products are made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients, including real citrus juices and oils, no artificial sweeteners, and sodium and gluten-free.

We offer a variety of unsweetened citrus products:

  • Crystallized Wedges in convenient sachets
  • Easy-to-use Shakers
  • Salt-free Citrus Spice Blends

We also offer stevia-sweetened:

  • 10-calorie Lemonades, Limeades and one lone Orangeade
  • 10-calorie Iced Teas made from real black tea
  • 10-calorie Kids drink mixes with low sugar and 25% Vitamins A, C & E
  • 0 calorie Energy drinks, powered by caffeine from green tea (except Tropical Punch which has 10 calories and 1g sugar)

To learn more about our products, click here.

To learn more about our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase) click here.

To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menu at the top of our website or (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box.

If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

True Citrus products are available in over 45,000 grocery stores and retailers, including Walmart, Target, Meijer, Albertsons, HEB, Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Shop-Rite, Stop & Shop, Wegmans, Weis and other fine retailers, as well as on Amazon and on this website. For store locations in your area, click here. True Citrus products are also conveniently available on this website, Amazon, Walmart.com and other E-Commerce sites.

  • Generally, our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime) are found in the baking aisle near Splenda®.
  • Our sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energy Drink Mixes are in the powdered drink mix section (near Crystal Light®).
  • Our spice blends currently have limited distribution in grocery stores but can be found in the seasoning section of the baking aisle. (It is generally more convenient right now to purchase our shakers and spice blends through www.TrueCitrus.com (by going to the specific product page and clicking “Add to Cart” or to buy on Amazon).

If your favorite store doesn't sell your favorite True Citrus products, you can ask the Customer Service desk for a product request form. Many grocery stores and retailers will start to carry products when they have enough customers requesting them.

In the meantime, to find all True Citrus products easily, please visit our online store at www.TrueCitrus.com. Our online store carries our entire family of True Citrus products including exclusive items and sizes. Many of our products are also found at Amazon, Walmart.com and SamsClub.com, among other online retailers.

Looking for True Citrus products in large quantities or in bulk sizes for your business? True Citrus products are also available for Foodservice operations or commercial ingredient applications, click here. For information about our Commercial Ingredients Applications and Solutions, click here.

In addition to being used by consumers at home, a wide variety of businesses use or purchase True Citrus products. We’re always excited to discuss new business opportunities with you.

Foodservice: Airlines, hotels, QSRs, cafeterias, hospitals and healthcare facilities, universities and colleges, and convenience stores are just some of the Foodservice operations that use True Lemon and True Lime in front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house applications. For more information, click here or email us at FoodService@TrueCitrus.com.

Retail and E-Commerce: If you are interested in carrying True Citrus products in your retail establishment or on your online store, please go to our retail sales page by clicking here or contact us at RetailSales@TrueCitrus.com or EcommerceSales@TrueCitrus.com.

Commercial Ingredient Applications: Many food and beverage companies are using True Citrus products as their citrus solution. If you’re interested in learning more, click here or contact us at Ingredients@TrueCitrus.com.

Our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime) are generally found in the baking aisle near Splenda®.

Our stevia-sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energy Drink Mixes are in the powdered drink mix section (near Crystal Light®).

Our Spice Blends currently have limited distribution in grocery stores but can be found in the seasoning section of the baking aisle. (It is generally more convenient right now to ( purchase our Shakers and Spice Blends through our website click here) or Amazon.) You can also purchase all of our products online at TrueCitrus.com.

To find stores in your area that carry True Citrus products (and what products they carry), visit our Store Locator. If you don’t find our products that are supposed to be sold when you’re at the grocery store, ask for someone in the Grocery Department to help you.

All of our True Citrus products can be purchased through this website. Amazon, Walmart.com, and other Retail and E-Commerce sites also sell a selection of our products.

You can always contact us toll-free for help finding our products near you. Please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666, email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

While our products are available in over 45,000 grocery stores and retailers nationwide, many stores don’t carry all of our True Citrus products. You can always fill out a product request form at the customer service desk of your local store or speak to the grocery manager to see if it can be ordered for you. Often, customer demand will cause a store or grocery store chain to start carrying a new product.

To locate a store near you that carries True Citrus products, please search our Store Locator.

And if you can’t find your favorite True Citrus product near you, you can always order from within this website. Each product page has an “Add to Cart” option. (We also sell exclusive items and larger quantities at TrueCitrus.com. )

You can call toll-free to place an online order at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). Amazon.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, Kroger.com and SamsClub.com are other online retailer that carry a large variety of our products.

Yes, you can purchase all of our True Citrus products through this website (TrueCitrus.com). If you select any product page within TrueCitrus.com, you will be able to order your chosen True Citrus product (or products) directly via “Add to Cart” or you can call toll-free 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). Many of our products are also available online through Amazon and other online retailers, including Walmart, Kroger, Instacart, Sam’s Club and more. You can see a list of online retailers that carry each product by navigating to the individual product page.

Currently, our Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange) and Shakers are sold in some major grocery stores, including Sobeys (east and west), Safeway and Whole Foods. Loblaws carries our Spice Blends in the Natural Foods Section.

Our stevia-sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades and Limeades are carried in both Safeway and Federated Co-op. Additionally, our products can be found in over 50 other locations.

In the meantime, you can buy all of our products from these online Canadian distributors: healthyfamilyfoods.ca and elua.com

True Citrus products don’t have an expiration date but use a “best-used-by” date. After this date, our products are still safe to use but start to lose some of their flavor potency. The best-used-by date is stamped on the bottom and is two years from the time the product was produced. (After June 2025, the best-used date is two years from when the product was produced, June 2027.)

Crystallized Citrus Wedge Sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime): The best-used-by date is located on the very bottom of the box below the barcode. The date is an imprint that is the same color as the packaging and may be a little hard to see. For example, a best-used-by date of 040526 1111 has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number. Our bulk boxes of citrus sachets will have a date printed or stamped on the package. The best-used-by date may be listed as “BB040526” or “0405261111.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energys: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the package. It could read “Best By: APR0526” or “Best By: 04/05/2026.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Shakers and Spice Blends: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the shaker. For example, a best-used-by date reading “0405261111” has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number.

All True Citrus products have at least a two-year shelf life from the date of manufacture, if unopened. Once you open a packet, the shelf life is only a couple of days. The shelf life for True Lemon and True Lime Shakers or our Spice Blends is also two years unopened. Once opened, the shelf life is about six months.

Once one of our products is beyond a “best used” date, the product is still safe to use. However, the flavor will start to slowly degrade after that date.

Our flagship product, True Lemon, crystallized wedge replacement sachets, is not lemonade, so it’s not going to be a strong, sweet taste like lemonade. Instead, True Lemon has a refreshing, light taste, just like if you squeezed a lemon wedge into your water. (Each sachet equals the taste of one wedge.) The same is true of True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. If you like a stronger, sweeter taste, then can we suggest trying one of our Drink Mixes. To see our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened choices - including Lemonades, Limeades, Kids and Iced Teas - click here.

Whether you purchase a True Citrus product in the store or online, they are all backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase).

If, for any reason, you aren’t satisfied, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

We’re happy to send you a refund or exchange for another True Citrus product.

We always stand behind our 100% Happiness Guarantee, so if you purchase a box that has some empty packets or has some packets that are missing, just give us a call toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

(Please include your full name, mailing address, where you purchased the box, and - if you still have the box- the five-digit batch number located under the UPC code.)

All True Citrus products should always be free-flowing. However, since True Citrus products are made from simple ingredients, every once in a while some True Citrus packets will become sticky or cakey. This has nothing to do with where a customer stores their True Citrus product at home but is due to a rarely occurring bump in the humidity in the manufacturing room where the packets get sealed.

If you purchase any True Citrus products that don’t meet your expectations in terms of product taste or product quality, simply call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

We are happy to send you a replacement. Please include your complete name and mailing address, the number of packets that need to be replaced and where you purchased your product. Also, if you still have the box, please include the best-used-by date (the ten-digit batch number located under the UPC code) and whether this was your first time purchasing our product.

It’s what’s called a “splice” in the roll that was missed in production.

We hear you and we are working on creating a thinner box, which will have a smaller footprint. In the meantime, we are using recycled carton material, so we hope that you’ll recycle your True Lemon box like we do!

A sales or use tax may or may not apply to your purchase, depending on the prevailing laws in your city, county and/or state. If a sales tax does apply, it will be calculated before you submit your payment information.

In certain cases, True Citrus will gladly refund a price difference if you bought an item on our online store, only to discover it was on sale through our online store within three days of the original purchase.

If you bought an item online at TrueCitrus.com and you think you’re eligible for a price adjustment, please contact our Customer Care Team at 1-844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

There could be a few reasons why your discount code is not working:

1) Your discount code is no longer valid. Please check the expiration date.

2) You entered the discount code incorrectly. Please check that you entered the correct code. Discount codes are not case-sensitive.

3) You tried to apply more than one discount code per order. Only one discount code is permitted per order.

4) Your discount code is one-time use only.

Please note that we monitor discount code usage by IP address. Since some discount codes are only designated for one-time usage, they will only work once per IP address. If you have more than one computer in your household, the one-time discount code will only work once per household since all computers share the same IP address from your internet provider on the outside network interface. This is in accordance with most common E-commerce methods for verifying discount codes.

If you’re still experiencing issues with your discount code, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

If you have a question on your charges, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

To view your order confirmation, log into your account as a returning customer. Under Order History, scroll to the order and click on the Order number you want to view. If you need help accessing your order confirmation or for us to send you another order confirmation, please email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783).

Your credit card will be charged once your order is placed.

Please allow 7-10 business days from the time you contact our Customer Care Center for a credit/refund to post to your account.

If you don’t see your credit after this time frame, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

At this time we do not have gift cards.

After adding items to your cart, click the "Your Cart" icon and “View Cart.” From there, navigate to the checkout. On the checkout screen, you will see a box where you may enter your coupon code. Only one coupon code is permitted per order. Once applied, the discount will be applied to the order and will also be reflected in your order total.

Need help? Please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will get an email notification 7 days before being billed. At that time, you can cancel or change your subscription. If you don't do anything, your subscription will be shipped and billed as planned. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Yes, you can choose from a 30, 60 or 90 day interval. You can also change this once you've started to receive your subscription by logging into your account and changing the subscription frequency. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

In the Billing Information tab you'll find the current method of payment along with the current billing address. However, this is not the same as the shipping address. You would edit the address in this section if something has changed for your place of residence or the email address on file. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Once logged into your account, click on Delivery Schedule on the left to see all upcoming deliveries for your subscriptions. To skip a delivery, you can click Skip to the right of each one. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Once logged into your account, select the Subscriptions tab, then click "add product." This will open a pop-up where you can search, view, and select additional products to add to your upcoming deliveries. You may also choose the frequency and first shipment date. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

In order to cancel your subscription, you will first need to log in to your account. Click the Subscriptions tab, then next to each of the products you are subscribed to is a Cancel button. You would use this if you would like to no longer receive this subscription product. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

We currently do not ship to any countries other than the United States. We only accept billing and shipping addresses for the United States.

Shipping is automatically calculated before submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page, where you will be shown a Shipping Method and the price. At this time, we have two special shipping offers:

1) Receive $4.95 standard shipping with any order of $15.98 or more (after all discounts have been applied).

2) Receive free standard shipping with any order of $40.00 or more (after all discounts have been applied).

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with the tracking number when your order has shipped. You can also log into your account as a returning customer. Click on “My Account,” “View Past Orders” and scroll to the order. It will read “Shipped” underneath the status heading. Please note that the tracking number will not be active until the end of the day.

Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii can take up to 4 weeks to be received.

If an item is missing from your shipment, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

If your order has not yet arrived, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our online customer care form by clicking here.

We have a 100% Happiness Guarantee because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase!

Please contact Customer Care by phone at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-888-588-8793) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com so we can assist you with returning an item.

If you have received the wrong product, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com. We will make sure we correct your order as quickly as possible.

We have a 100% Happiness Guarantee because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase. 

If you purchase an accessory and are unhappy with it, you may return it within fifteen (15) days of receipt. The item must be unused and in its original packaging in order to qualify for an exchange or refund. Used items will not be accepted as a return and will not qualify for an exchange or refund. Return shipping charges are not covered by True Citrus and will be the responsibility of the customer.

Please contact Customer Care by phone at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-888-588-8793) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com so we can assist you with returning an item.

To cancel an order that was placed, please email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783).

We do our very best to get your order processed as quickly as possible. However, the estimated delivery date provided is an only an estimate. Any delays on the part of the UPS or carrier are out of our control. Because of this, we do not refund shipping costs at this time.

Each and every one of us here at True Citrus is committed to providing our customers with the best products possible, and that’s why we take pride in our 100% Happiness Guarantee. Because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase if there is any reason you are not, simply contact us for a replacement or refund. (Shipping may not be included in refund price depending on circumstances. 100% Happiness Guarantee does not apply to products sold outside of the United States or that are past their "best use by date," which is two years from the time the product was manufactured and can usually be found on the bottom of the box.)

Please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

Effective July 24, 2024.

We value your privacy and so we never sell or give away your personal information. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security. Further, this website is tested daily, and has passed our strict security tests, which help protect you from identity theft, viruses, spyware, and other online threats.

Effective July 24, 2024.

We respect the online privacy of our website visitors to www.TrueCitrus.com, www.TrueLemon.com, and other web domains by which we provide products and services online.

To read our Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy, click here.

Effective July 24, 2024

True Citrus is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability all of its digital properties, including “truelemon.com, truecitrus.com, and truelemonstore.com," for all people with disabilities. In that regard, we have implemented, are in the process of implementing and/or are evaluating implementing relevant portions of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities and user-friendly for everyone.

Our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have specific questions, concerns or suggestions about the accessibility of one of our websites or a web page on a website, please get in touch with us at accessibility@truecitrus.com or 866-885-3666. If you email us, please be sure to specify the specific website or web page in your email. We will make all reasonable efforts to make our websites and web pages accessible to you and/or will use reasonable efforts to provide you with the same information and functionality as if you were using our websites.

CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

1. Click the “My Account” icon at the top right side of our site.

2. Click the “Continue” button under the New Customers section.

3. Enter your email address and choose a password. Click “Continue”.

4. Enter your shipping information. Click “Continue”

Your information is NEVER sold to any other company and is kept completely private. Please click here to view our Privacy Policy for more information.

If you are having any problems creating an account, please contact us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

Click the "My Account" icon at the top right-hand side of our site. Under the login box, you'll see a link that says "Forgot your password?". Enter your email and an email will be sent to you with a link to reset.

If you are having any problems editing an account, please get in touch with us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

Click the “My Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to edit your account information. Here you will be able to manage your orders, payments, reviews, and personal information like your email, billing and shipping addresses.

If you are having any problems editing an account, please contact us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number when your order has shipped. You can also log into your account as a returning customer. Click on “My Account,” “Track Packages,” scroll to the order that you would like to track and click “View Order.” The tracking number will be listed under “Order Status” at the top of your order details. Please note that the tracking number will not be active until the end of the day.

General Questions

We'd love to hear from you! If you want to reach us by phone, please call us at 866-885-3666 toll-free. To ask about an online order through TrueLemon.com, call us toll-free at 1-844-588-8783.

If you want to email us, send your message to CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com. Or use our Customer Care form. (We will get back to you within 24 hours Monday – Thursday and by the next business day from Friday – Sunday.)

If you want to write us, mail your correspondence to True Citrus Company, 11501 Pocomoke Court, Ste. D, Baltimore, MD 21220. You can also find us on FacebookX (formerly known as 'Twitter'), Instagram and Pinterest.

We have a strict privacy policy: we never sell or give away our customers’ information. To read our complete privacy policy, click here.

Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari should be compatible with the current versions. If you are experiencing any issues, you should verify you are not using an older version of the internet browser. Support for Internet Explorer 11 has been discontinued by Microsoft. We do not recommend using that browser to make online purchases.

To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menu at the top of our website or (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box.

If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

To navigate this website, simply hover over the Shop dropdown and click on a product category. Product categories are organized by product type. You may also type a keyword into the “Search” box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form.

QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You'll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a "hand." Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an "arrow".

True Citrus is a privately-owned company that makes all True Citrus products, including our flagship line of Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (including True Lemon and True Lime), our stevia sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades and Limeades, Kids drink mixes, Iced Teas and Energy drink mixes, and our citrus based, salt-free Shakers and Spice blends. We are still a relatively small, growing company, comprised of over 50 enthusiastic, dedicated team members who love what we do and are passionate about our products, our team, and our customers. We are citrus lovers who have created a unique product family based on proprietary processes. The processes allow us to provide fresh-squeezed citrus taste in a new shelf-stable form, enabling citrus to be enjoyed both in familiar and new usages. Learn more about us.

David Schleider, our founder and president, came up with the idea for True Lemon in 2001 while having lunch with his father. A long-time lemon lover, a chef by schooling, and an inventor by passion, David waited for another bowl of lemons to be brought to their table when he had his “aha” moment. He wondered why fresh lemon taste couldn’t be more convenient, as easy as opening up a packet of sugar. David spent the next three years working on True Lemon to ensure the taste was just right before starting our Company in June 2003.

Of course! We are happy to provide samples of our products (along with product information, where to buy info, and coupons) to individuals and for health clubs, healthcare professionals, health support groups, healthcare facilities, events, runs and races. For further information about sampling True Citrus products, you are also welcome to send us an email at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our online Customer Care form.

Unfortunately, as a small company, we can’t yet support sending samples outside the country.

Whether you are a foodservice or dietary manager looking for alternatives to lemon juice packets or fresh lemon wedges, or a chef interested in a high-quality and cost-effective alternative to perishable lemons and limes, True Lemon and True Lime are wonderful additions to your foodservice operations. True Lemon and True Lime are available in 100 and 500 count packet boxes for beverage stations, patient trays, buffets and table tops. True Lemon and True Lime are also available in foodservice shakers and juice pouches for back-of-the-house and in bulk for ingredients. To find out more information about bringing True Lemon or True Lime into your foodservice operation, go to our Foodservice page or email us at Foodservice@TrueCitrus.com.

A serving of True Lemon shaker = ¼ teaspoon, so the packet to shaker equivalent is typically 1 to 1. So, for example, if a recipe on our website calls for two packets of True Lemon you would use ½ teaspoon from the shaker. For more measuring equivalent conversions, click here.

There are a variety of delicious and refreshing True Citrus products, at least one of which you are sure to love (if not many more)!

All of our products are made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients, including real citrus juices and oils, no artificial sweeteners, and sodium and gluten-free.

We offer a variety of unsweetened citrus products:

  • Crystallized Wedges in convenient sachets
  • Easy-to-use Shakers
  • Salt-free Citrus Spice Blends

We also offer stevia-sweetened:

  • 10-calorie Lemonades, Limeades and one lone Orangeade
  • 10-calorie Iced Teas made from real black tea
  • 10-calorie Kids drink mixes with low sugar and 25% Vitamins A, C & E
  • 0 calorie Energy drinks, powered by caffeine from green tea (except Tropical Punch which has 10 calories and 1g sugar)

To learn more about our products, click here.

To learn more about our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase) click here.

True Citrus products don’t have an expiration date but use a “best-used-by” date. After this date, our products are still safe to use but start to lose some of their flavor potency. The best-used-by date is stamped on the bottom and is two years from the time the product was produced. (After June 2025, the best-used date is two years from when the product was produced, June 2027.)

Crystallized Citrus Wedge Sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime): The best-used-by date is located on the very bottom of the box below the barcode. The date is an imprint that is the same color as the packaging and may be a little hard to see. For example, a best-used-by date of 040526 1111 has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number. Our bulk boxes of citrus sachets will have a date printed or stamped on the package. The best-used-by date may be listed as “BB040526” or “0405261111.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energys: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the package. It could read “Best By: APR0526” or “Best By: 04/05/2026.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Shakers and Spice Blends: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the shaker. For example, a best-used-by date reading “0405261111” has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number.

All True Citrus products have at least a two-year shelf life from the date of manufacture, if unopened. Once you open a packet, the shelf life is only a couple of days. The shelf life for True Lemon and True Lime Shakers or our Spice Blends is also two years unopened. Once opened, the shelf life is about six months.

Once one of our products is beyond a “best used” date, the product is still safe to use. However, the flavor will start to slowly degrade after that date.

Our flagship product, True Lemon, crystallized wedge replacement sachets, is not lemonade, so it’s not going to be a strong, sweet taste like lemonade. Instead, True Lemon has a refreshing, light taste, just like if you squeezed a lemon wedge into your water. (Each sachet equals the taste of one wedge.) The same is true of True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. If you like a stronger, sweeter taste, then can we suggest trying one of our Drink Mixes. To see our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened choices - including Lemonades, Limeades, Kids and Iced Teas - click here.

Product Usage

Let’s be clear. We love lemons. But also, let’s be honest: fresh lemons from the produce aisle can be a bit of a pain for many of us. (But not all. We know there are devoted lemon lovers who would never use anything but fresh – we’re speaking to you, Martha Stewart!)

For the vast majority of us who love lemons but forget to buy them, buy them and then forget to use them, use them but don’t use all of the lemons so the rest goes bad, or who love fresh lemons so much we’d like to take fresh lemon taste with us but it’s a pain in the neck, True Lemon is for you!

True Lemon crystallized lemon provides a consistent, authentic, fresh-squeezed lemon taste, any time, anywhere, and can be used in so many ways it’s hard to count.

Fresh lemons, on the other hand, don’t provide consistent taste (because their taste depends on when they were picked), are seasonally expensive, go bad, can only be used as a wet ingredient, and aren’t great travel companions. (Try putting a lemon in your pocket or purse.) And don’t even get us started on bottled or packet lemon juice.

For all the ways to use True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit throughout your day check our Recipe section or our Live True Every Day page.

So many things! True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit can be used any place lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice are used. Our products are great for water, beverages, cooking, baking and seasoning.

Click here to view our library of delicious recipes.

Click here to find a ton of great usage suggestions for using True Citrus products.

True Lemon is a great alternative to fresh lemon juice or bottled lemon juice and can be used for cooking, baking, and seasoning. (True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit can also be used for cooking, baking and seasoning.)

In the vast majority of recipes, where you want just the lemon taste, you can add True Lemon directly into the other ingredients. (Generally, we recommend 2 to 3 sachets = 1 tablespoon lemon juice.) However, in some recipes, it may be necessary or desirable to add an equivalent amount of water to replace the moisture the lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice provides. In these cases, add both the appropriate number of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, or True Grapefruit packets and the necessary amount of water. (Example: if a moist cake recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, use 4 packets of True Lemon and 2 tablespoons of water.) For a stronger citrus taste, add more packets.

For measuring equivalents and conversions, please click here.

One (1) sachet of True Lemon equals the taste of 1 lemon wedge, and 2 packets of True Lemon is the equivalent of the taste of 1 tablespoon lemon juice. This is the same equivalency for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit.

A medium lemon has approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of juice which equates to 4 to 6 True Lemon packets.

A medium or average lime has approximately 2 tablespoons of juice which equals 4 packets of True Lime.

For more measuring equivalents, click here.

A serving of True Lemon shaker = ¼ teaspoon, so the packet-to-shaker equivalent is typically 1 to 1. So, for example, if a recipe on our website calls for two packets of True Lemon you would use ½ teaspoon from the shaker. For more measuring equivalent conversions, click here.

If you use the zest of a lemon, lime or orange for decorative purposes, then you’ll need to use a fresh lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit. However, if you are using zest as an ingredient, you can use True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit. The equivalent is 2 sachets for 1 tablespoon of zest. (If you want a stronger citrus taste, you can add an additional sachet.)

You only need to add water if the recipe you’re making needs the moisture from the juice as well as the lemon (or lime, orange, grapefruit) taste. Most recipes really only want the lemon flavor and don’t need the moisture. For a recipe that needs moisture from the juice, you would add the equivalent of water and the True Lemon/True Lime/True Orange/True Grapefruit packets. (For example, if the recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of lemon juice you would add two packets of True Lemon and one tablespoon of water.) For True Lemon recipes, click here.

True Orange is not meant to replace eating a fresh orange or replace orange juice that you drink. True Orange allows you to enjoy the sessence of fresh-squeezed orange flavor in delightful new ways. Add True Orange to your water or iced/hot tea. Sprinkle on fruit, fish or chicken. Replace orange juice of zest in recipes. For True Orange recipes and more, click here.

True Orange is not meant to replace eating a fresh orange or replace orange juice that you drink. True Orange allows you to enjoy the sessence of fresh-squeezed orange flavor in delightful new ways. Add True Orange to your water or iced/hot tea. Sprinkle on fruit, fish or chicken. Replace orange juice of zest in recipes. For True Orange recipes and more, click here.

Yes, many people use True Lemon when canning or preserving.

Yes, we’ve heard from customers who use True Lemon as part of their jelly-making process.

Many of our customers keep their True Citrus products out on the counter, in their cabinets, or in their purse so they're always within easy reach. True Citrus products should not be exposed to high temperatures for extended periods. Unopened, True Citrus products have a two-year shelf life.


A packet of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, or True Grapefruit has 0 calories. A stick packet of our beverage mixes (True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, True Orange Orangeades, True Lemon Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas) contains 10 calories per serving. True Lemon Energy contains 0 calories per serving (except Tropical Punch Energy, which contains 10 calories per stick packet.)

Our True Lemon Shaker, True Lime Shaker, True Lemon Pepper Spice Blend, True Lime Garlic & Cilantro Spice Blend, and True Orange Ginger Spice Blend contain 0 calories per serving.

A single serving (one packet) of True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange, and True Grapefruit contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates per packet.

A stick packet of one of our sweetened, 10 calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeade and Iced Teas contain 1g sugar and 3 grams of carbohydrates per stick packet. Our True Lemon Kids contain 2g sugar and 3g carbs.

A stick packet of one of our Energy products contain 0g sugar and less than 1g of carbohydrates (except True Lemon Tropical Punch Energy which has 10 calories, 1g sugar and 3g carbs).

Water is good for you because it does great things for your body. For more information about why water is so good for you, click here. Water is also a great alternative to sweetened, caloric beverages like soda, fruit juice, sweetened iced teas, and even drinks you may not suspect, like some bottled waters, which are high in calories and sugar. (Here’s a fun fact: Just switching out one can of soda or other 120-calorie drink per day for one glass of water can lead to an almost 15-pound weight loss in a year without doing anything else.) And all you diet beverage drinkers, don’t think you’re off the hook. Some studies have found that consumption of diet sodas has been linked to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

But lots of people either don’t like the taste of plain water, get bored of it or want to add a beverage mix to their water but don’t want their water to turn into a chemical soup.

And that’s where True Citrus comes in. We’ve got you covered because we’re the only company that gives you a choice about how you want to flavor your water.

For those who like just a refreshing, light citrus taste we have 4 delightful choices for you. If you want to add just fresh citrus taste to your water without changing your water into a beverage, then try True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit.

Each sachet delivers an authentic, fresh-squeezed taste and:

  • Equals the taste of a wedge of lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit
  • Has a simple ingredient line
  • Has 0 calories and 0g sugars
  • Has NO artificial sweeteners, sodium or gluten
  • Is Non-GMO

For those who like a sweeter taste, then we have many delicious options for you. True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, True Lemon Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas are only 10 calories per stick packet but deliver real flavor from real fruit in every sip. Our True Lemon Energy Drink Mixes have 0 calories and 120 mg of caffeine from green tea.

Each serving of any of our drink mixes:

  • Is made with lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit juices and oils
  • Has a simple ingredient line
  • Has 0 to 10 calories and 0g to 1g sugars
  • Contain NO artificial sweeteners or gluten
  • Have colors from sources like fruit juice, vegetable juice and spices
  • Is Non-GMO

So go ahead and make the switch to water flavored by True Citrus today. We’re so sure you’re going to love any True Citrus product you purchase, we have a 100% Happiness Guarantee.

All True Citrus products are gluten-free and, in fact, many support groups for those with Celiac disease use True Citrus products regularly.

Yes! All True Citrus products are vegan.

How seriously Paleo or Keto are you?

All of our True Citrus products are very low carb and, thus, are perfect fits for a Paleo or Keto diet, especially our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets, citrus Shakers and Spice Blends (which are 0g sugar and less than 1 carb). Our low-calorie, low-sugar, stevia-sweetened Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades, and Iced Teas are great for people following a Keto or Paleo-friendly diet. Our Energy drinks have 0-10 calories, 0g sugars and less than 1g carb.

However, we encourage everyone to read our nutrition panels and make a judgment for themselves. (Nutritional information is on every product page.)

Yes, all of our True Citrus products are a great addition to a diabetes management eating plan. (However, we always recommend speaking to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns about using any food or beverage.)

Many people with diabetes are looking to replace sweetened, caloric beverages and even artificially sweetened beverages since artificial sweeteners have been linked to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

True Citrus offers two delicious ways to replace sweetened or artificially sweetened drinks and, at the same time, drink more water. For those who like just the light, refreshing taste of citrus, we have our convenient citrus sachets. Each sachet equals the taste of a fruit wedge and has 0 calories, 0g sugars and <1g carb and has no artificial sweeteners, sodium or gluten. Available in True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit, they are great to add to water or teas but also serve as a wonderful alternative to salt-to-season foods.

We also make delicious, sweetened low-calorie, low-sugar Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades,Kids and Iced teas. Available in on-the-go stick packets, True Lemon Lemonades, True Lime Limeades, Orangeades, Kids and True Lemon Iced Teas are made with stevia and a touch of sugar. Each stick packet has 10 calories, 1g to 2g sugar and 3g carbs.

And for those looking for some caffeine, our Energy drinks are made with stevia. Each stick packet has 0 calories, 0g sugar, less than 1 gram of carbs, and contains 120mg of caffeine from green tea. (Tropical Punch Energy has 10 calories and 1g sugar.)

Finally, since many people with diabetes are also concerned with hypertension, True Citrus offers wonderful, salt-free citrus spice blends as well as True Lemon and True Lime in shakers. All are delicious, flavorful ways to season food without adding sodium.

To find out where to buy them near you, click here.

Absolutely! True Citrus products are a great addition to a low-sodium diet because they can flavor your food without adding any sodium. Also, adding them to water is a great alternative to soda and artificially sweetened soda and drinks, which often contain sodium in them.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about using any food or beverage, you should always consult your physician.

Absolutely! We have a ton of delicious options for you to try! True Citrus products are a great way to drink more water (instead of drinking artificially sweetened soda or beverages with high sugar content). They are also a great way to flavor your food without adding any sodium.

As always, if you have specific questions or concerns about any food or beverage you are eating/drinking during your pregnancy, we recommend that you speak to your healthcare provider.

First, we always recommend you speak to your healthcare provider when considering health solutions for specific conditions.

We have heard from many people who have kidney stones and successfully incorporated True Lemon into their treatment program. Again, we always recommend discussing treatment options with your healthcare provider.

True Citrus products have 0 phosphorus and 0.01 milligrams of potassium (basically 0 grams).

No, True Lemon is not considered an antioxidant. True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit are also not considered antioxidants.

True Grapefruit contains grapefruit oils and juices but we don’t make any specific claims about its impact on your metabolism.

Drinking water with any True Citrus product instead of soda or other sweetened beverages can help you lose weight when incorporated with other healthy habits like eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercising and getting sufficient sleep. (Here’s a fun fact: Just switching out one can of soda or other 120-calorie drink per day for one glass of water can help lead to weight loss in the course of a year without doing anything else.)

There are zero electrolytes per serving.

Lemons are very popular in detox programs and we know that many people use True Lemon in place of fresh lemons or lemon juice. However, we make no claims about the overall efficacy of lemon water as a detox drink nor using True Lemon as part of a detox drink.

Yes, because the amount of sugar they contain is so small. This is true for all of our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened beverages as well as our zero-calorie unsweetened citrus wedge replacements.

Since everyone is different, we always recommend that you talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions regarding your medication.

True Lemon contains zero potassium citrate.

We would recommend that if you or a family member has a strong allergy to corn then our products shouldn’t be used. However, we always recommend speaking to your healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns.

Our product would do the same to your teeth as drinking lemon water would and it’s a very individualized answer. We have True Citrus team members who have been using 6+ packets a day for years and have had no issues but you should base your usage on your own dental health. For questions specific to your dental health, we always recommend speaking to your dental healthcare provider.


True Citrus does NOT use erythritol in ANY products. To view the ingredients of all of our products, please visit each of our product’s corresponding product pages.

Yes! All True Citrus products are vegan.

How seriously Paleo or Keto are you?

All of our True Citrus products are very low carb and, thus, are perfect fits for a Paleo or Keto diet, especially our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets, citrus Shakers and Spice Blends (which are 0g sugar and less than 1 carb). Our low-calorie, low-sugar, stevia-sweetened Lemonades, Limeades, Orangeades, and Iced Teas are great for people following a Keto or Paleo-friendly diet. Our Energy drinks have 0-10 calories, 0g sugars and less than 1g carb.

However, we encourage everyone to read our nutrition panels and make a judgment for themselves. (Nutritional information is on every product page.)

No, True Lemon is not considered an antioxidant. True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit are also not considered antioxidants.

Yes. All of the ingredients we use are Non-GMO.

All True Citrus products are gluten free and, in fact, many support groups for those with Celiac disease use True Citrus products regularly.

True Citrus products are made with simple, Non-GMO ingredients but are not organic.

All True Citrus products are made with simple, Non-GMO ingredients. Our products:

  • Are made with lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juices and oils.
  • Have no artificial sweeteners. (Our low-calorie sweetened drink mixes are sweetened with stevia and a touch of sugar or just stevia alone.)
  • Contain ingredients from fruits, herbs or vegetables depending upon the products.
  • Have color sources from spices (e.g., turmeric), vegetables (e.g., beet juice) or fruit juices (e.g., grape or elderberry juice).
  • Are sodium-free and gluten-free. (The exception is True Lemon Original Lemonade, which has a very small amount of sodium - 20mg per serving.)

To read about our Live True commitment, which is the foundation of all of our products, click here.

To read about the ingredients we use, check out our Ingredients Finder here.

For our Non-GMO natural flavors, we use not only the main fruit flavor (for example, raspberry or black cherry) but also a proprietary blend of other natural flavors from fruits, herbs and/or vegetables, which is why we don't solely list “Raspberry” or “Black Cherry." Since we use other natural flavors to enhance the main flavor, the FDA requires us to say “Natural flavors” in the ingredient line and "with other natural flavors" on the packaging.

We use Non-GMO colors that come from only natural sources, including fruits (e.g., grapes), vegetables (e.g., beets) and spice (e.g., turmeric).

The ingredients in True Lemon Crystallized Citrus Wedge Replacements are the same as found in a lemon:

Citric Acid, Lemon Juice and Lemon Oil. Like all True Citrus products, True Lemon is made from simple ingredients, has no artificial sweeteners, is Non-GMO and is sodium and gluten-free. To learn more about True Lemon, click here.

Yes, all of our products contain Non-GMO citric acid.

True Lemon is made with real lemon juices and oils. True Lemon provides the fresh taste experience of fresh lemon juice when used in water, drinks, beverages and recipes. This is also true for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. However, we make no specific health claims regarding True Lemon being the same as a fresh lemon.

Absolutely (and that’s great)! Because of our gentle encapsulation, we are able to maintain the delicate flavonoids (including limonene) that are found in citrus oils. Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects. These molecules are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Limonene is found in citrus peels/rinds and is the thing that makes oranges and lemons smell orangey and lemony.

Stevia is a plant that has been used for centuries around the world as an herb and a zero-calorie sweetener. Currently, there are many stevia sweeteners on the market, including Truvia®, PureVia®, Stevia in the Raw®, and Pure Circle®, to name just a few.

Stevia is extracted from the sweetest part of the stevia plant (called rebiana). Once stevia is purified, it’s 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia can have a bitter aftertaste, so many products that use stevia as a sweetener also add a small amount of sugar to round out the flavor (as True Citrus does).

Some stevia products are made from a process that uses chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, which is why some people may consider those to be artificial. However, we use only Non-GMO stevia, which is guaranteed to be at least 95% pure, some of the highest in the industry. In addition, we source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, and use only water-based extraction methods, which are safer for both our customers and our environment.

Stevia, which is commonly grown in South America and Asia, can also be grown in your garden.

The sweetness in our drink mixes comes from stevia. The small amount of sugar we use is to help round out the notes of the stevia as well as act as a bulking agent.

Because stevia is 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar, only a very small amount of stevia is required to deliver a sweet taste in our drink mixes. We also use a small amount of sugar, which is used to help round out the taste of stevia as well as acting as a bulking agent. Since the small amount of sugar used weighs more than the stevia, it is listed before stevia in the ingredients line.

We use only Non GMO stevia that is guaranteed a minimum of 95% pure, which is some of the highest in the industry. We source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia—only water-based extraction methods are used, which are safer for both the customer and our environment. (We’re committed to not only the health and well-being of our customers; we’re also in tune with our delicate ecosystem!)

Our primary sources for our premium, non GMO stevia is grown and processed in China. The processing facilities used are state-of-the-art and under strict food manufacturing guidelines and stringent quality standards.

A stick packet of our True Lemon Energys deliver 120mg of caffeine, equal to a strong cup of coffee. Unlike many energy drinks that are currently on the market, the caffeine we use is from green tea, so it delivers a more sustained lift and generally doesn't lead to jitters or a caffeine crash. Each serving of our Energy drink mixes:

  • Is made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients
  • Is sweetened with stevia
  • Has 0-10 calories and a 1 gram carbs or less
  • Has NO artificial sweeteners
  • Has colors from sources such as vegetable and fruit juice
  • Has no gluten

True Orange uses a tiny amount of sugar (<0.5g/packet or 1/8 teaspoon) as a bulking agent and not to sweeten the product. This small amount of sugar is considered to be negligible by the FDA and does not have any effect on blood sugar levels when used in 16 ounces of water/beverages.

Citric acid is found in all citrus fruits. However, there is not enough citrus to produce the amount of citric acid that food manufacturers like us use, and not all citric acid is produced in the same way. Our citric acid is derived from a fermentation process using the cassava or cane sugar plant. The plant is harvested and fermented using Non-GMO enzymes and is purified.

No, True Citrus products do not contain any monosodium glutamate (MSG) or glutamic acid.

No, True Citrus products do not contain soy.

A serving of any True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange or True Grapefruit (unsweetened or sweetened) products contain less than 0.01 milligrams of potassium, which is a very small amount.

Our True Citrus products (both our unsweetened Crystallized Wedge sachets and our low-calorie sweetened drink mixes) contain 0 phosphorus and 0.01 milligrams of potassium (basically 0 grams).

The purpose of maltodextrin in our products is to help our flavor components disperse better when cooking, baking or seasoning. Without it, you would get big hits of lemon oil with pockets of acid instead of a homogenous product throughout. The maltodextrin we use is Non-GMO and is solely derived from corn and is not used as a sweetener. Because of its low use amount, the maltodextrin does not significantly contribute to raising blood sugar.

Only our shakers and spice blends have Non-GMO maltodextrin in them, which is derived from corn.

No, we do not use cochineal as a color.

We don’t use MSG in any of our products. It is not something we add nor is it in the ingredients we source.

No, they don’t contain either. All of our products are gluten-free.

Yes, some True Citrus products do contain caffeine.

Our Iced Teas contain 40mg of caffeine per stick packet, and our Energy Drink Mixes contain 120mg of green tea caffeine per stick packet (equal to a strong cup of coffee). To shop our Energy healthy drink mix line, click here.

No, True Citrus products do not contain lactose.

No, our products are not made with organic fruit.

While all of our production facilities are here in the United States, as a global food manufacturing company, we utilize a number of sources from outside the United States to provide us with some of our raw materials. This is due to several reasons. Some ingredients, like stevia, aren’t grown and processed in the United States due to climate conditions, seasonality or other influences. However, regardless of the origin of our raw materials, they are all made to our exacting specifications, meet the highest standards, are Non-GMO and are of the best quality.

The Non-GMO sugar we use is refined to remove any impurities.


Yes, they are Parve and the supervising agency is the Orthodox Union.

True Lemon is made from a proprietary recipe that crystallizes the lemon’s oils and juices, locking in fresh-squeezed lemon taste. (It’s the fact that True Lemon contains both lemon oil and juice that makes it special. Most lemon replacements contain just lemon juice.)

Because True Lemon always delivers a consistent, authentic, fresh-squeezed lemon taste, we believe it’s an excellent alternative to fresh, frozen or bottled. (And, with no undue modesty, we think it’s better than at least 2 of those!)

This is also true for True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit.

Stevia is a plant that has been used for centuries around the world as an herb and a zero-calorie sweetener. Currently, there are many stevia sweeteners on the market, including Truvia®, PureVia®, Stevia in the Raw®, and Pure Circle®, to name just a few.

Stevia is extracted from the sweetest part of the stevia plant (called rebiana). Once stevia is purified, it’s 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia can have a bitter aftertaste, so many products that use stevia as a sweetener also add a small amount of sugar to round out the flavor (as True Citrus does).

Some stevia products are made from a process that uses chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, which is why some people may consider those to be artificial. However, we use only Non-GMO stevia, which is guaranteed to be at least 95% pure, some of the highest in the industry. In addition, we source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia, and use only water-based extraction methods, which are safer for both our customers and our environment.

Stevia, which is commonly grown in South America and Asia, can also be grown in your garden.

We use only Non GMO stevia that is guaranteed a minimum of 95% pure, which is some of the highest in the industry. We source our rebiana only from reputable companies that do not use chemicals in the extraction or refinement of their stevia—only water-based extraction methods are used, which are safer for both the customer and our environment. (We’re committed to not only the health and well-being of our customers; we’re also in tune with our delicate ecosystem!)

No chemicals are used in the processing of the Non-GMO stevia we use. It is solely through an aqueous (water-based) production.

Our primary sources for our premium, non GMO stevia is grown and processed in China. The processing facilities used are state-of-the-art and under strict food manufacturing guidelines and stringent quality standards.

While all of our production facilities are here in the United States, as a global food manufacturing company, we utilize a number of sources from outside the United States to provide us with some of our raw materials. This is due to several reasons. Some ingredients, like stevia, aren’t grown and processed in the United States due to climate conditions, seasonality or other influences. However, regardless of the origin of our raw materials, they are all made to our exacting specifications, meet the highest standards, are Non-GMO and are of the best quality.

The Non-GMO sugar we use is refined to remove any impurities.


There are a variety of delicious and refreshing True Citrus products, at least one of which you are sure to love (if not many more)!

All of our products are made from simple, Non-GMO ingredients, including real citrus juices and oils, no artificial sweeteners, and sodium and gluten-free.

We offer a variety of unsweetened citrus products:

  • Crystallized Wedges in convenient sachets
  • Easy-to-use Shakers
  • Salt-free Citrus Spice Blends

We also offer stevia-sweetened:

  • 10-calorie Lemonades, Limeades and one lone Orangeade
  • 10-calorie Iced Teas made from real black tea
  • 10-calorie Kids drink mixes with low sugar and 25% Vitamins A, C & E
  • 0 calorie Energy drinks, powered by caffeine from green tea (except Tropical Punch which has 10 calories and 1g sugar)

To learn more about our products, click here.

To learn more about our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase) click here.

To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menu at the top of our website or (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box.

If you have any trouble locating a product, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

True Citrus products are available in over 45,000 grocery stores and retailers, including Walmart, Target, Meijer, Albertsons, HEB, Kroger, Publix, Safeway, Shop-Rite, Stop & Shop, Wegmans, Weis and other fine retailers, as well as on Amazon and on this website. For store locations in your area, click here. True Citrus products are also conveniently available on this website, Amazon, Walmart.com and other E-Commerce sites.

  • Generally, our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime) are found in the baking aisle near Splenda®.
  • Our sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energy Drink Mixes are in the powdered drink mix section (near Crystal Light®).
  • Our spice blends currently have limited distribution in grocery stores but can be found in the seasoning section of the baking aisle. (It is generally more convenient right now to purchase our shakers and spice blends through www.TrueCitrus.com (by going to the specific product page and clicking “Add to Cart” or to buy on Amazon).

If your favorite store doesn't sell your favorite True Citrus products, you can ask the Customer Service desk for a product request form. Many grocery stores and retailers will start to carry products when they have enough customers requesting them.

In the meantime, to find all True Citrus products easily, please visit our online store at www.TrueCitrus.com. Our online store carries our entire family of True Citrus products including exclusive items and sizes. Many of our products are also found at Amazon, Walmart.com and SamsClub.com, among other online retailers.

Looking for True Citrus products in large quantities or in bulk sizes for your business? True Citrus products are also available for Foodservice operations or commercial ingredient applications, click here. For information about our Commercial Ingredients Applications and Solutions, click here.

In addition to being used by consumers at home, a wide variety of businesses use or purchase True Citrus products. We’re always excited to discuss new business opportunities with you.

Foodservice: Airlines, hotels, QSRs, cafeterias, hospitals and healthcare facilities, universities and colleges, and convenience stores are just some of the Foodservice operations that use True Lemon and True Lime in front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house applications. For more information, click here or email us at FoodService@TrueCitrus.com.

Retail and E-Commerce: If you are interested in carrying True Citrus products in your retail establishment or on your online store, please go to our retail sales page by clicking here or contact us at RetailSales@TrueCitrus.com or EcommerceSales@TrueCitrus.com.

Commercial Ingredient Applications: Many food and beverage companies are using True Citrus products as their citrus solution. If you’re interested in learning more, click here or contact us at Ingredients@TrueCitrus.com.

Our unsweetened Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime) are generally found in the baking aisle near Splenda®.

Our stevia-sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energy Drink Mixes are in the powdered drink mix section (near Crystal Light®).

Our Spice Blends currently have limited distribution in grocery stores but can be found in the seasoning section of the baking aisle. (It is generally more convenient right now to ( purchase our Shakers and Spice Blends through our website click here) or Amazon.) You can also purchase all of our products online at TrueCitrus.com.

To find stores in your area that carry True Citrus products (and what products they carry), visit our Store Locator. If you don’t find our products that are supposed to be sold when you’re at the grocery store, ask for someone in the Grocery Department to help you.

All of our True Citrus products can be purchased through this website. Amazon, Walmart.com, and other Retail and E-Commerce sites also sell a selection of our products.

You can always contact us toll-free for help finding our products near you. Please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666, email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our Customer Care form by clicking here.

While our products are available in over 45,000 grocery stores and retailers nationwide, many stores don’t carry all of our True Citrus products. You can always fill out a product request form at the customer service desk of your local store or speak to the grocery manager to see if it can be ordered for you. Often, customer demand will cause a store or grocery store chain to start carrying a new product.

To locate a store near you that carries True Citrus products, please search our Store Locator.

And if you can’t find your favorite True Citrus product near you, you can always order from within this website. Each product page has an “Add to Cart” option. (We also sell exclusive items and larger quantities at TrueCitrus.com. )

You can call toll-free to place an online order at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). Amazon.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, Kroger.com and SamsClub.com are other online retailer that carry a large variety of our products.

Yes, you can purchase all of our True Citrus products through this website (TrueCitrus.com). If you select any product page within TrueCitrus.com, you will be able to order your chosen True Citrus product (or products) directly via “Add to Cart” or you can call toll-free 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). Many of our products are also available online through Amazon and other online retailers, including Walmart, Kroger, Instacart, Sam’s Club and more. You can see a list of online retailers that carry each product by navigating to the individual product page.

Currently, our Crystallized Citrus Wedge sachets (True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange) and Shakers are sold in some major grocery stores, including Sobeys (east and west), Safeway and Whole Foods. Loblaws carries our Spice Blends in the Natural Foods Section.

Our stevia-sweetened, low-calorie Lemonades and Limeades are carried in both Safeway and Federated Co-op. Additionally, our products can be found in over 50 other locations.

In the meantime, you can buy all of our products from these online Canadian distributors: healthyfamilyfoods.ca and elua.com

True Citrus products don’t have an expiration date but use a “best-used-by” date. After this date, our products are still safe to use but start to lose some of their flavor potency. The best-used-by date is stamped on the bottom and is two years from the time the product was produced. (After June 2025, the best-used date is two years from when the product was produced, June 2027.)

Crystallized Citrus Wedge Sachets (like True Lemon and True Lime): The best-used-by date is located on the very bottom of the box below the barcode. The date is an imprint that is the same color as the packaging and may be a little hard to see. For example, a best-used-by date of 040526 1111 has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number. Our bulk boxes of citrus sachets will have a date printed or stamped on the package. The best-used-by date may be listed as “BB040526” or “0405261111.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Lemonades, Limeades, Kids, Iced Teas and Energys: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the package. It could read “Best By: APR0526” or “Best By: 04/05/2026.” The best-by date for this product would be April 5, 2026.

Shakers and Spice Blends: The best-used-by date is stamped on the very bottom of the shaker. For example, a best-used-by date reading “0405261111” has a best-by date of April 5, 2026. The “1111” that follows the date is an internal lot number.

All True Citrus products have at least a two-year shelf life from the date of manufacture, if unopened. Once you open a packet, the shelf life is only a couple of days. The shelf life for True Lemon and True Lime Shakers or our Spice Blends is also two years unopened. Once opened, the shelf life is about six months.

Once one of our products is beyond a “best used” date, the product is still safe to use. However, the flavor will start to slowly degrade after that date.

Our flagship product, True Lemon, crystallized wedge replacement sachets, is not lemonade, so it’s not going to be a strong, sweet taste like lemonade. Instead, True Lemon has a refreshing, light taste, just like if you squeezed a lemon wedge into your water. (Each sachet equals the taste of one wedge.) The same is true of True Lime, True Orange and True Grapefruit. If you like a stronger, sweeter taste, then can we suggest trying one of our Drink Mixes. To see our low-calorie, stevia-sweetened choices - including Lemonades, Limeades, Kids and Iced Teas - click here.

Whether you purchase a True Citrus product in the store or online, they are all backed by our 100% Happiness Guarantee (because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase).

If, for any reason, you aren’t satisfied, please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

We’re happy to send you a refund or exchange for another True Citrus product.

We always stand behind our 100% Happiness Guarantee, so if you purchase a box that has some empty packets or has some packets that are missing, just give us a call toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

(Please include your full name, mailing address, where you purchased the box, and - if you still have the box- the five-digit batch number located under the UPC code.)

All True Citrus products should always be free-flowing. However, since True Citrus products are made from simple ingredients, every once in a while some True Citrus packets will become sticky or cakey. This has nothing to do with where a customer stores their True Citrus product at home but is due to a rarely occurring bump in the humidity in the manufacturing room where the packets get sealed.

If you purchase any True Citrus products that don’t meet your expectations in terms of product taste or product quality, simply call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

We are happy to send you a replacement. Please include your complete name and mailing address, the number of packets that need to be replaced and where you purchased your product. Also, if you still have the box, please include the best-used-by date (the ten-digit batch number located under the UPC code) and whether this was your first time purchasing our product.

It’s what’s called a “splice” in the roll that was missed in production.

We hear you and we are working on creating a thinner box, which will have a smaller footprint. In the meantime, we are using recycled carton material, so we hope that you’ll recycle your True Lemon box like we do!

Online Ordering & Order Status

A sales or use tax may or may not apply to your purchase, depending on the prevailing laws in your city, county and/or state. If a sales tax does apply, it will be calculated before you submit your payment information.

In certain cases, True Citrus will gladly refund a price difference if you bought an item on our online store, only to discover it was on sale through our online store within three days of the original purchase.

If you bought an item online at TrueCitrus.com and you think you’re eligible for a price adjustment, please contact our Customer Care Team at 1-844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

There could be a few reasons why your discount code is not working:

1) Your discount code is no longer valid. Please check the expiration date.

2) You entered the discount code incorrectly. Please check that you entered the correct code. Discount codes are not case-sensitive.

3) You tried to apply more than one discount code per order. Only one discount code is permitted per order.

4) Your discount code is one-time use only.

Please note that we monitor discount code usage by IP address. Since some discount codes are only designated for one-time usage, they will only work once per IP address. If you have more than one computer in your household, the one-time discount code will only work once per household since all computers share the same IP address from your internet provider on the outside network interface. This is in accordance with most common E-commerce methods for verifying discount codes.

If you’re still experiencing issues with your discount code, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

If you have a question on your charges, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

To view your order confirmation, log into your account as a returning customer. Under Order History, scroll to the order and click on the Order number you want to view. If you need help accessing your order confirmation or for us to send you another order confirmation, please email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783).

Your credit card will be charged once your order is placed.

Please allow 7-10 business days from the time you contact our Customer Care Center for a credit/refund to post to your account.

If you don’t see your credit after this time frame, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

At this time we do not have gift cards.

After adding items to your cart, click the "Your Cart" icon and “View Cart.” From there, navigate to the checkout. On the checkout screen, you will see a box where you may enter your coupon code. Only one coupon code is permitted per order. Once applied, the discount will be applied to the order and will also be reflected in your order total.

Need help? Please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will get an email notification 7 days before being billed. At that time, you can cancel or change your subscription. If you don't do anything, your subscription will be shipped and billed as planned. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Yes, you can choose from a 30, 60 or 90 day interval. You can also change this once you've started to receive your subscription by logging into your account and changing the subscription frequency. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

In the Billing Information tab you'll find the current method of payment along with the current billing address. However, this is not the same as the shipping address. You would edit the address in this section if something has changed for your place of residence or the email address on file. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Once logged into your account, click on Delivery Schedule on the left to see all upcoming deliveries for your subscriptions. To skip a delivery, you can click Skip to the right of each one. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Once logged into your account, select the Subscriptions tab, then click "add product." This will open a pop-up where you can search, view, and select additional products to add to your upcoming deliveries. You may also choose the frequency and first shipment date. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

In order to cancel your subscription, you will first need to log in to your account. Click the Subscriptions tab, then next to each of the products you are subscribed to is a Cancel button. You would use this if you would like to no longer receive this subscription product. If you have any questions, please call us toll-free at 844-588-8783 or email us at CustomerCare@truecitrus.com.

Shipping & Returns

We currently do not ship to any countries other than the United States. We only accept billing and shipping addresses for the United States.

Shipping is automatically calculated before submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page, where you will be shown a Shipping Method and the price. At this time, we have two special shipping offers:

1) Receive $4.95 standard shipping with any order of $15.98 or more (after all discounts have been applied).

2) Receive free standard shipping with any order of $40.00 or more (after all discounts have been applied).

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with the tracking number when your order has shipped. You can also log into your account as a returning customer. Click on “My Account,” “View Past Orders” and scroll to the order. It will read “Shipped” underneath the status heading. Please note that the tracking number will not be active until the end of the day.

Shipments to Alaska and Hawaii can take up to 4 weeks to be received.

If an item is missing from your shipment, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

If your order has not yet arrived, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our online customer care form by clicking here.

We have a 100% Happiness Guarantee because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase!

Please contact Customer Care by phone at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-888-588-8793) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com so we can assist you with returning an item.

If you have received the wrong product, please call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com. We will make sure we correct your order as quickly as possible.

We have a 100% Happiness Guarantee because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase. 

If you purchase an accessory and are unhappy with it, you may return it within fifteen (15) days of receipt. The item must be unused and in its original packaging in order to qualify for an exchange or refund. Used items will not be accepted as a return and will not qualify for an exchange or refund. Return shipping charges are not covered by True Citrus and will be the responsibility of the customer.

Please contact Customer Care by phone at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-888-588-8793) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com so we can assist you with returning an item.

To cancel an order that was placed, please email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or call us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783).

We do our very best to get your order processed as quickly as possible. However, the estimated delivery date provided is an only an estimate. Any delays on the part of the UPS or carrier are out of our control. Because of this, we do not refund shipping costs at this time.

Gurantees & Policies

Each and every one of us here at True Citrus is committed to providing our customers with the best products possible, and that’s why we take pride in our 100% Happiness Guarantee. Because we want you to be delighted with every True Citrus purchase if there is any reason you are not, simply contact us for a replacement or refund. (Shipping may not be included in refund price depending on circumstances. 100% Happiness Guarantee does not apply to products sold outside of the United States or that are past their "best use by date," which is two years from the time the product was manufactured and can usually be found on the bottom of the box.)

Please call us toll-free at 1-866-885-3666 or, for online orders, 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783). You can also email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

Effective July 24, 2024.

We value your privacy and so we never sell or give away your personal information. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security. Further, this website is tested daily, and has passed our strict security tests, which help protect you from identity theft, viruses, spyware, and other online threats.

Effective July 24, 2024.

We respect the online privacy of our website visitors to www.TrueCitrus.com, www.TrueLemon.com, and other web domains by which we provide products and services online.

To read our Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy, click here.

Effective July 24, 2024

True Citrus is committed to facilitating the accessibility and usability all of its digital properties, including “truelemon.com, truecitrus.com, and truelemonstore.com," for all people with disabilities. In that regard, we have implemented, are in the process of implementing and/or are evaluating implementing relevant portions of the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities and user-friendly for everyone.

Our efforts are ongoing. If at any time you have specific questions, concerns or suggestions about the accessibility of one of our websites or a web page on a website, please get in touch with us at accessibility@truecitrus.com or 866-885-3666. If you email us, please be sure to specify the specific website or web page in your email. We will make all reasonable efforts to make our websites and web pages accessible to you and/or will use reasonable efforts to provide you with the same information and functionality as if you were using our websites.

CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com or complete our customer care form by clicking here.

My Account

1. Click the “My Account” icon at the top right side of our site.

2. Click the “Continue” button under the New Customers section.

3. Enter your email address and choose a password. Click “Continue”.

4. Enter your shipping information. Click “Continue”

Your information is NEVER sold to any other company and is kept completely private. Please click here to view our Privacy Policy for more information.

If you are having any problems creating an account, please contact us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

Click the "My Account" icon at the top right-hand side of our site. Under the login box, you'll see a link that says "Forgot your password?". Enter your email and an email will be sent to you with a link to reset.

If you are having any problems editing an account, please get in touch with us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

Click the “My Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to edit your account information. Here you will be able to manage your orders, payments, reviews, and personal information like your email, billing and shipping addresses.

If you are having any problems editing an account, please contact us toll-free at 1-844-LUV-TRUE (1-844-588-8783) or email us at CustomerCare@TrueCitrus.com.

You will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number when your order has shipped. You can also log into your account as a returning customer. Click on “My Account,” “Track Packages,” scroll to the order that you would like to track and click “View Order.” The tracking number will be listed under “Order Status” at the top of your order details. Please note that the tracking number will not be active until the end of the day.

Questions? Comments? Reach out!

The feedback we receive from you is very important to us. We thank you in advance for your interest!

By Phone

To ask about an online order through TrueCitrus.com

By Email

Send your message to

We will do our best to get back to you within 24 hours Monday to Thursday. Friday to Sunday or holidays, we will get back to you within 24 hours of the next business day.


Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST

Social Media

100% Happiness Guarantee

Each and every one of us at True Citrus is committed to providing our customers with the best products possible. That's why we take pride in offering a 100% Happiness Guarantee on every product we make.